Governance and proposals
With a given value of tokens, anyone can create proposals. Another stakeholder can vote for proposals without spending money on gas
Dao Widget
Dao Widget — Governance and proposals for your crypto token

With a given value of tokens, anyone can create proposals. Another stakeholders can vote for proposals without spend money on gas. Put the HTML code on your website. Upload files to FTP server to the folder with html page where you want to put the widget. Then open your HTML file and add this HTML:
<script src='./static/js/main.js'></script>
<link href="./static/css/main.css" rel="stylesheet" />
Where data-network is chainID from this list www.chainlist.org
data-token-address, data-token-symbol, data-token-decimals: address and variables of your erc20 contract
data-color-template: dark_template or light_template
Additional properties:
- data-ens is ENS domain name. By default, we use our own, but it doesn't matter;
- data-hide-service-link - setting "true" if you want to hide the service link
- data-required-amount-to-publish - required tokens amount to publish proposal, by default 5.
- data-required-amount-to-vote - required tokens amount to vote for proposal, by default 1.

Metamask supported

"Create proposal" form

"Vote for proposal"

"List of votes"

Your tokenholders can create proposals and vote for free (without paying for gas)

All proposals have Voting Period (specified and adjusted by creator or tokenHolders) it could be specified by creator or by token holders through proposal.

We use snapshot.org API

ERC20, BEP20, and other EVM blochains are supported
For whom
For whom
- Community Collectives
- Developer Collectives
- Worker Collectives
- Art Collectives
- Social Media
- Metaverses / Virtual Worlds
- Asset Management
- Venture Capital
- Insurance
- Trust Funds
- Company / Project
- Fundraising
- Fan Ownership
- Freeholder / Co-Living / Nomad Communities
- Media / Entertainment
- Politics