Create your own DEX

Based on Uniswap V2

Set up your commission from 0.00% to 20%.

Admin Can
Admin Can
Custom design feature screen
Change colors, logo, menus
Set up fee and address for fees feature screen
Change fee
and address for fees
Set up default tokenlist feature screen
Change available tokens
in the default tokenlist
Can i trust you?
Can i trust you?
MCW wallet small demo

This tool was developed by the team who made MCW wallet (trusted by 1000+ webmasters).


We use sources with small changes, you can check the sources of smartcontract after deployment then compare it with the verified uniswap's contracts.

We don't have access to the pools. We do our best to prevent all damages to your users, anyway use this software at your own risk.

All EVM blockchains are supported!
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F.A.Q. (read full FAQ)

1. Sign up at and register a domain
2. Sign up at and login
3. Follow this instruction

In DEX you deployed separate smart contracts which not connected to another exchange. You or another user must add the liquidity. Only in this case, you can set your own commission. If you want to use external exchanges with your own interface please take a look at another of our tools which has an interface connected to pancakeswap/uniswap

Yes this is a clone of UniSwap, this app supports the core DEX features: swap and add/remove liquidity.