Create your own ERC20 Staking & Yield Farming

Deposit / Withdraw ERC20 Assets for Earning % Interst

Attract Investment

Attract Investment

Increase the demand for your tokens by paying rewards

Component of widget
Use ERC20 Tokens
Use ERC20 Tokens

Any token will do, including uniswap lp (liqidity provider). You can use existing ERC and BEP tokens.

All ERC20 tokens are supported
Simple Interface
Simple Interface

Works with any tokens, including uniswap lp (liqidity provider). You can use existing tokens.

More components of widget
Simple Settings
Simple Settings

Specify Staking and Reward tokens in the admin panel. Create many farms

Settings in admin panel of plugin
Demo Instructions
Demo Instructions

See instructions

Watch User Demo Video

User Demo

Watch Admin Panel Instruction Demo Video

Admin Panel Demo (Instructions)


@onoutsupportbot Contact our team using telegram if you have any questions

do we need smart contract after buying this plugin or anything else
you must deploy smartcontract using admin panel (onlick using metamask)
If I need it run on BSC how much?
bsc is supported
Questions & Answers
Questions & Answers (read full FAQ)
Can we create yield farming and staking for own erc20 token?
I don’t like WordPress, can you create static?
Yes, 1000$
Can bep20 tokens (binance smart chain) be entered like wbnb, bnb, or something else?
Can help me understand a few things, how or in what way the staking prize is calculated, can it be determined how many % is distributed each day, week or month?
How many rewards do you want to distribute? for example 365 “REWARD” token. And the farming period is 1 year. in this case, every day will distribute 1 token/day across all who deposit “STAKE” token. If user A has deposited 1 STAKE and no one else deposited so this user earing 1 REWARD/day. IF user B stake 2 tokens (after user A) he will receive 2/3 of rewards ~ 0.7 REWARD/day (and user’s A earnings will down 1 to 0.3)